Brevis descriptio
JLSeries summus celeritas TEXTUS charta machinaIdoneam pro certo quantitas et summus gradu vita charta et culturae chartam .it spurns antiqua cylindrici mouldl machina scriptor abusu de humilis copy in obliquitatem et in pressura est in Mutative in Mundi Vat Mundi Vat Mutuam, quod est in Mutare Vat Mutuam in Mundi Vat Mutuam in Mutative Mutuam in Mundi Vat Mutuam in Mutare Colding into force pressure sizing moulding ,change the traditional manual pressurizing adjustment into air power pressurizing and change the scrapper into movable air power .Its main characteristics are low sizingconsistency ,large pressure ,evenness ,quick mould and good evenness ,wide quantitation scope ,high vehicle speed ,large output ,low energy consumption ,compact conformation and stable operation .It is the renewal product of common cylinder mould machine .
CULTUS TEXTUS charta Machinacan use waste paper(such as waste books, news paper, used office paper, waste paper edge from printing factory ), virgin pulp as material to make high quality toilet paper, finished product can be small tissue roll, napkin tissue, facial tissue, kitchen towel

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