Model MMD MMDT TEXTUS CULTUS charta faciens apparatus lineas feliciter tradidit Kazakhstan

Post prospere iudicii currere in factory, II paro of Model MMD MMDC Linea CULTUS charta faciens apparatus lineas prospere tradidit Kazakhstan in Jan.2022. A summa VIII continens cabinets sunt necessitas. The whole production line includes a series of pulping equipment such as pulper, pressure screen, vibrating frame screen, high consistency deslagger, deslagger, propeller, etc. And high- speed and Energy-saving tissue toilet paper making machine.

I, I

Brevis descriptio High- celeritate et industria, salvis TEXTUS latrina charta faciens apparatus.

JL series high-speed tissue paper thin wire pages making machine suitable for making fixed quantity and high-grade life paper and culture paper .It spurns the ancient cylinder mouldl machine's abuse of low copy speed ,high quantitation ,low efficiency and complex operation ,which changes common cylinder mould vat into oblique mount hydration board vat .It has high automaticity and is easy to operate .It has tens of improvement ,such as change the common adjustable arc board vat into pressura VAT, mutare in atmosphaerica pressura sizing canonatione in vim pressura sizing canoning, mutare in traditional manual pressurizing in aerem, et vim et bonum, lata et stabilis industria et in reneat et stabilis operatio .it est in reneat, et stabilitatem operationem .IT et in fity of operationem .IT et in reneat et stabilis operatio .IT et advenit productum ex communi Cylindrum Fingunt apparatus.


Principalis Technical Index of High- celeritate et industria, salvis TEXTUS CULTUS charta faciens apparatus est infra:

I. Product Category: 13-30G / M2Medio-princeps gradu familia paper.

II. Rudis Materials structuram: Vetus Book Paper, Alba Crim (no quibus wet-vires vastum charta).

III. Productio scale: 7-9t / d (calculandum cum 18g / m2).

IV. Net charta cum: 2700mm.

Post tempus: Jan-24-2022